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Old 10-20-2011, 04:11 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Central Texas
Posts: 378

Originally Posted by running1
I've often wished for a much slower pace...
I was thinking about this....and I it possible to find a way to slow down your own life? You know, just say no to so many activities, turn off the tv and leave it off, force yourself to plan and execute family meals at the dinner table every night, even if there are only two of you at home, buy a couple of comfy outdoor chairs (or better yet, a porch swing) and sit outside in the evenings, even if just for 15 minutes, let the answering machine get the phone during certain times of the day, commit yourself and do it...make your own bread once or twice a week, hang the clothes outside...even if you have to string the clothes lines between trees, and etc.....I mean I was just wondering....could we all slow down our lives by making different choices everyday? Maybe we are so busy and overwhelmed with activities because we say yes to everything afraid we will miss out on something, and in truth, we miss more because we are too busy. Something to think about......and believe me when I say, I am asking myself these questions as well as presenting them to all of you!!
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