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Old 10-20-2011, 04:52 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3,536

I went to the above address and there was a warning to CLOSE IMMEDIATELY - that there was a security issue.

My Jack has had the peeing problem before and after being neutered. He gets excited, he pees, if he is bored, he pees. Also, we have gone thru all kinds of leashes and harnesses, and somehow (the little contortionist (sp) chews them up. Sweet little devil is a poodle. We bought a $17 harness last week, and came home to find it completely destroyed. I will look into the belly pads. I was trying to figure how to attach a maxi-pad to him - but I KNOW he would chew it off in seconds! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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