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Old 10-20-2011, 05:42 AM
lelia's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Indiana, Outside Indianapolis
Posts: 44

Not sure if any one mention this one but small dogs have small bladders. They are like babies and need to go out to pee about every two hours. They should go out also after eating and after playing and after napping.

Originally Posted by LLWinston44
We have two almost three year old dogs. (Bichon/Maltese/Terrier) They are brothers from the same litter. One we've had since he was a baby, the other we got about a year ago when the people that have the mom passed the house of the adopted parents had him tied to a tree in the snow with no shelter or padding. She is a bus driver and stopped her bus, got off, picked him up and took him home. Being that we had the brother they asked us to take him. We were getting ready to lose our 14 year old English Setter so we agreed to do it.

Everything has gone well over the last year except he has suddenly started to PEE all over!!!!! He didn't do it much except once in a while, but now he's almost seeking out places to pee! He loves peeing on plastic bags, so we bought pee pee pads and put a plastic bag on it, and he uses but he still goes elsewhere!!!

He even got up on the ottoman the other day, where I had a bag with fabric, and PEED ON IT! He's not exclusive to plastic bags, they're just his favorite.

I do NOT know what to do!!!! HELP!!!!!
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