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Old 10-20-2011, 02:16 PM
Rose L
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That is so funny!! I think men just go through life winging it until someone else shows them how to do things. That's why teenage boys have to work on cars in big groups, so that between them they can figure out what they're supposed to do. I notice that they never say "I put this on this way", they'll always say "my uncle said this is how it should be put on" that way if they're wrong their uncle looks like the fool not them. I used to get such a kick out of watching and listening to my son and his friends! Now women on the other hand will point blank ask another woman how she does something. The other woman is glad to tell you but first she has to think of the most logical way she can come up with. If it works out we both look like genius'. If it doesn't we just go off and point blank ask another woman. That's why men can't ask for directions. They'll just look at the map and guess. LOLOL!!

Sorry guys, no offense intended. Just my own observations.
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