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Old 10-20-2011, 11:19 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Originally Posted by LLWinston44
Originally Posted by COYOTEMAGIC
There are belly wraps that you can use to keep him from going on things. Take it off when you take him out.
Oh I'm TOTALLY going to try that!!! We did take him to the vet because a UTI was my first thought too. I am THINKING it's because of the weather change and that brings him back to memories of being left out in the snow, and he's not a fan of the cold. He, even in the summer, will want to crawl under our blankets. At first I let him, then I realized that he would not come out even though he was panting and sweating. I guess the experience just left him fearful of the cold. That's why I thought the pee pee pads would make him happy...... but he wants to go wherever he wants to go. Totally going to try the belly wraps. Is that something they have at Pets Mart??
Since he seems scared of the cold maybe while you retrain him you could try making outside in the cold, fun for him. Special treats, playing with favorite toy, lots of petting...make him like being outside.
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