Thread: Moving to FL
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Old 10-21-2011, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by delma_paulk
I encountered some "misplaced Northerners" last week at a sewing class in could tell right away who they were; rude and crude and soooooo loud! No manners and enjoyed being loud about it. Vocabulatory limited to mostly 4 letter words.

I am a Native/Native. American Indian and Floridian and VERY proud of it. If you don't like us please leave.

I lived in New Hampshire for a year back in 1983, was so glad to finally leave there.
if northerners are "rude" its because we have to put up with people that work in Florida and they do not know how to wait on people, they don't smile, throw there change back at them and if you go into the grocery store (which are small and not well kept) you have very long lines, and the cashiers are talking among themselves, and going so slow that it takes them at least half an hour to check a person out, and they may only have a arm load of stuff, then they stop to talk to each other and take a sip of water, and saying stuff like "I wonder if I can go on break"
So before you call someone rude and crude, you should take a look in a mirror cause i am sure the face u see will be none other than yours, and remember who keeps your economy going in Florida as we get poor service.
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