Thread: Moving to FL
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Old 10-21-2011, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by craftymatt2
Originally Posted by delma_paulk
I encountered some "misplaced Northerners" last week at a sewing class in could tell right away who they were; rude and crude and soooooo loud! No manners and enjoyed being loud about it. Vocabulatory limited to mostly 4 letter words.

I am a Native/Native. American Indian and Floridian and VERY proud of it. If you don't like us please leave.

I lived in New Hampshire for a year back in 1983, was so glad to finally leave there.
if northerners are "rude" its because we have to put up with people that work in Florida and they do not know how to wait on people, they don't smile, throw there change back at them and if you go into the grocery store (which are small and not well kept) you have very long lines, and the cashiers are talking among themselves, and going so slow that it takes them at least half an hour to check a person out, and they may only have a arm load of stuff, then they stop to talk to each other and take a sip of water, and saying stuff like "I wonder if I can go on break"
So before you call someone rude and crude, you should take a look in a mirror cause i am sure the face u see will be none other than yours, and remember who keeps your economy going in Florida as we get poor service.
I think I will take this opportunity to suggest maybe it's YOU that needs an attitude adjustment, lol. I lived in Missouri, and frankly, the people in that state are not thrilled with their Illiniois neighbors. As one of those people in Florida who you think are rude and crude, let me say, you must have never been in one on my lines...or if you were, you were one of those who tried my patience to the limit. I did my job, and did it well. I didn't complain while you hunted around in your cheesy purse, or worse yet, pulled your money out of your bra, while everyone else waited in line behind you. I counted your change back to you, and thanked you, asking you to come back, hoping you didn't.

You get back what you give. I'll just bet you were the one talking nasty about "all those Mexicans who should learn to speak English." You'd be surprised how many do, but prefer to stick to Spanish in the stores, so they don't have to deal with rude and crude people like the ones who talk about them like they are deaf.

Since we were not allowed to have water at our registers, don't know where you got the idea we are standing around sipping it. What were you drinking before you came in? Yes, I am sure that you are just as welcome up in Illiniois, as you are in Florida. And I doubt we miss any of the money you spent. I don't know where you stayed, but I am betting it wasn't Ft. Myers, Sarasota, St. Augustine, Venice, Pensacola, etc. But you come on down....we will be glad to let you try again. THis time bring manners.
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