Thread: Moving to FL
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Old 10-22-2011, 09:55 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: In Plain Sight
Posts: 290

Yes...there is a lot of passion out there. Good to give people a chance to vent, though. I have my own opinions but have kept them to myself. Mostly interested in others..still found them interesting and valuable. Son lived in Tampa for 15 yrs before moving to Seattle. And so it goes....I personally think in the current atmosphere/angst the country is in, a large city is the worst place to move. Rather be in the mtns. of NH. Actually feel safer but then I an 76 and famiily that is moving is only in their 40"s and boys are 10,5 and 1. But I have to remember...God is faithful. Thanks for ALL postings..bring 'em on! fmd36 in NH
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