Thread: Moving to FL
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Old 10-22-2011, 03:17 PM
sandygoshorn's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: The Sunny Side of Florida - Sarasota County
Posts: 40

I sure hope everyone feels better. I waited for the dust to settle before I added any comments.
Here in Florida, during the "season" we see drivers from every state and many countries. It makes driving very hazardous and dangerous!!
In stores (especially grocery stores) we see people who are VERY impatient, seeming to forget that sometimes elderly people do no move as quickly as they once did and can be easily confused. That usually will bring the snide comments and eye rolling from people further back in the line.
BUT, what makes ME angry are those shoppers who have a cart FULL of food and still get into the "20 items of less line". I don't know where they are from, but I watched one lady harangue the cashier who DARED to point out to the customer she was in the wrong line. Her husband left the store. Do you think that lady stopped to think about what what her hateful words were doing to that kid? Or what the other customers thought about that lady? Nearly everyone in Florida is a 'transplant', although there are more and more natives. My kids are and so am I. Sarasota....
Anyway, I think I need to point out that people who are having a BAD DAY want to lighten their load, misery loves company....
Yes, the tourists DO help our economy. After all, our unemployment is above 10% and we are second in foreclosures - NV is #1.... Many of our young people have gone up North to find employment or to go move in with relatives.
Considering our wonderful economy and current social-econo status I think everyone needs to stop and be thankful for what they DO have and if they can afford to come to Florida on vacation and spend their money, God Bless them!!
So Smile! Enjoy the sun and the sane. Go to Orlando, enjoy Florida's treasures and spread the wealth....
Is that what comazar Obama and the Unions want us to do? Just keep on praying that he will be a "One-Termer" and maybe we'll get someone in the Oval Office that has some idea of what to do to get our Democracy back to what it's supposed to be -
A government of, by and for the people.
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