Thread: Moving to FL
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Old 10-22-2011, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Rntraveler

Too many bugs, too much heat and humidity. Sure it get's hot in other places but the heat doesn't last March through November. I got real tired of sweat running down my back in March weeding and turning the a/c up to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Love bugs 2x/ stays nasty. Palmbetto bugs that fly, too many people and many that only visit here who think the residents should leave to give them room.

I love the change of season's in North Alabama. In FL, it's the same everyday. So tiring. Also, who wants to go to a theme park every off day? When I was in Fl, I went to the beach not even once a year. Pay is very poor for nurse's and the working conditions leave alot to be disired. Insurance is high for housing.

You may not need much for winter clothes but I spent very little time outside in the heat. Just can't stand it .. might as well be someplace that has more to offer..

Good luck to who ever wants to live down in Fl but for me, I will visit family.
I guess it all depends on where you live, and how. I don't think people who live in Florida want to go to a theme park every day, any more than people who live in St. Louis or Texas want to go to Six Flags every weekend. The weather is NOT always the same every day. I can point out that we are not the ones who had the killer heat waves this summer, and yes, we have hurricanes sometimes, but look at what happened in the midwest and further north.

Florida has palmetto bugs. Ever see the waterbugs in Missouri? They can't fly, but they are as sure a sign of Spring as Robins, lol. I don't do snow and freezing my butt off any more. I need to remind myself how that felt, I will go stand in Publix's cooler for a few minutes, lol.

My dears, there has been NO PERFECT PLACE, ever since Eve said to Adam,...."Here honey, try a bite of this."
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