Old 10-23-2011, 10:06 PM
Jan in VA
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A couple days ago on this same discussion, I mentioned that I'd written to Popser to ask if they were still quilting and writing.
I've had a response and thought you might be interested:

Joan, my DW, is still quilting, sort of. Two years ago she came up with arthritis in her right hand, and she soon had to give up making large quilts, but she kept on making smaller quilts, mostly for neighbor children, family and charity. But, several months ago, she could barely quilt at all. Finally she decided to have surgery in her hand. She is healing well, and she expects to be back to quilting in two or three months.

For the several years, I kept on writing stories. We published a book of the early quilting stories ten years ago, and we were very happy with the response. Several magazines kept publishing the stories, but with changes in the magazines and the large number of stories they accepted for five years, we finally just put the new stories up on the web site. Then, two years ago, after 297 stories, I had back surgery for pain in my legs and couldn't sit at the computer for awhile, so no more stories. Fortunately, my surgery was successful (I could walk again--several miles a day), but sitting is still a problem, and my time now is limited to an occasional short letter.

Soon, we hope, things will be back to normal for her and I may put up some more stories. In the meantime, if you haven't read all 297 stories on the web site, they are there waiting, and we are always happy to hear from quilters who find the stories and write us. The web site is Enjoy!

Thanks for writing. We both appreciate hearing from you. It always amazes us how many quilters there are and how many people around the world take the time to write. Recently, I had an e-mail from a man in Sweden who put a few of the stories up on his web site--in Swedish.

Now, back to the quilting scene for you!!


Jan in VA
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