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Old 10-24-2011, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by lindyline
Okay, here's a afew pics of "What I hold dear".
Thought I ws finished, but there is just one more thing I need to do. Will keep that a surprise for the recipient.
The things are I hold dear, are our dogs, and the freedom to express ourselves however we want, and I just love the Christmas season, and childrens ability to look at everything with wonder, so on went Santa and the reindeer.Over here that means the beach and everything that goes with it, I also collect small Christmas trees, so there was another outside pocket. The handles were santa under palm trees, in boats, plating golf, relaxing in general.
Inside there are a number of pockets, we must store things, but the fabric is a gold dragon with red flames. I adore dragons and the mystery that surrounds them. They are meant to be extremely nuturing and loyal, so I thought this also was appropriate.Okay, book written, lecture over, here's the pics.......
Wow,that is a beauty. I love my furkids too!!! :mrgreen:
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