Old 10-24-2011, 02:39 PM
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Location: my heart is in texas, philly and london
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thanks everyone for the positive posts! i am trying to raise my spirit, but i think it's stuck in lisa's mud, with no firemen in sight!
i was once an excellent speller and then i became a teacher! after years of seeing words spelled wrong, they begin to look right. i do have spell check but i drive it crazy because i don't use capitals. and it won't tell me when i use the wrong word either! jeanne, i love your new word "exhaustertested". probable meaning--tired of being tested, leave me alone! i'm not laughing at you! i think it conveys a very strong message!
missy--how wonderful! i hope you will get to spend some quality time together! just knowing she is safe is more valuable than gold!
irish--have you heard of, or tried, under armor? it's supposed to be wonderful! all the young guys who were working outside for my old employer swore by the stuff! i am asking for a pair of sheepskin lined slippers this year. my feet have never had much circulation, and even tho' they felt cold to the touch (my poor husband! LOL) they didn't feel cold to me. this fall i've noticed they are getting cold. also, invest in a down comforter if you can. sorry, but even quilts are not as warm and lightweight. ooppsss, is that blasphemy?
i have no idea what my weight is doing. i am trying to get back in the groove as i feel all puffy and sausagey.(spellchecker doesn't recognize that word!)
part of my sadness is due to my mom's condition. i haven't seen her in almost 6 yrs because i don't like her. she is now in a memory unit with altzheimers and has started getting violent. she would no longer recognize me if i did show up. in a way it is more of a death than her actual passing. she is still my mother, so i still reluctantly have feelings. she was a good friend to a lot of people, but we never got along. clash of the titans! she hated that i didn't agree with her on much of anything. i hope her remaining life is short for her sake. she is 91 and wanted to die long ago. the life she has now is what she envisioned as her personal hell. i would not wish that on anyone. so, i think that's a large part of what's eating me and causing me to eat.
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