Old 10-24-2011, 04:14 PM
Podunk Princess
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: North Central Arkansas
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Hello everyone. Glad to hear most of you are doing well.

Nancia, don't beat yourself up about how you feel in regard to your mother and don't let it beat you! You need to take care of you and let God take care of her now.

Cindy, it's great to hear you're doing so well but don't rush back to work before you are ready. It takes a lot longer for us to heal than it used to and you need to be patient with the process. You'll know when you're ready!

Fall has definitely arrived in the Ozarks. We spent the afternoon today raking leaves. Tomorrow it will look like we didn't do anything out there. I'm looking at it as a great way to burn calories--built in exercise without leaving home!

Today was a very busy one for me. It was my first day of classes for the CNA course I'm taking at a local college. It's going to be four very busy weeks of learning/studying for me but it will all be worth it when I get that certification and begin working again. If any of you in the nursing/medical field have any advice on how to deal with the classroom part of this new adventure, I'd appreciate your input. Most of the students in the class want to do home care but I'm more interested in working with the elderly in nursing homes. After caring for my mother-in-law in our home the last three months of her life, and for several years prior to that when she was in assisted living facilities, I've decided I'd like to help others in the same situation. If all goes well, I'll be able to get started doing just that during the holiday season.

Hope all of you have a good week and that things get better for those who are having difficulties.

I'm in control, I'm losing, I CAN do this!
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