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Old 10-24-2011, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Grandmother23
I have a quilt that I quilted Saturday and was ready to trim the backing and fold it over for the binding yesterday. I decided to tear the backing instead of cutting it since I don't cut very straight. I tore it all around thinking this will be a piece of cake, it will tear so straight. Good thinking Lauren. Ha!! When I spread it out neatly to admire my handy work, I saw it did NOT "tear straight". I thought it was the fabric. Then I realized what happened was I probably did not place the quilt top straight on the backing and it did tear straight. Ok I'll chalk that up to experience. Will double check the next time I guarentee you.

I sat down after work to sew around the edges of the quilt so I can cut the excess off othe quilt so I can do the binding tonight. Using my walking foot, I proceed. Puckers!! Puckers!! On one side alone there are eight significant puckers in the border. When I did the stitch in the ditch quilting, (first time ever here!!) I didn't have this problem. I know it can't be the borders were waving that much. I think I know what I will name this quilt in my head.....Puckers!

I went to take pictures to attach to show my problem and the "camera God" got me. Neither of the batteries are charged. Sigh

I would drink a cold green citrus tea right about now if I had remembered to buy some today. I did see there were none in the refrigerator this morning. And so it goes...

Thanks for the vent.
Tomorrow will be a better day!

But your today sounds like my DD's day. She had the day off so she took the baby to get pictures made. When she went out to the car, it wouldn't start. She had someone help her jump it and so it did start. While waiting for the car to get started she had the baby in the carrier seat and had set her on the ground for a minute. When she leaned over to pick up kiddo, she tore or strained some muscles in her back. She came to my house (next door to hers) and the car wouldn't start again. She wanted me to watch kiddo while she figured out what she was going to do. In the mean time, her dog when crazy, acting like the devil was on her tail. She whined, and jumped, and squalled and basically went insane. We put the dog out and the dog jumped on the hood of her car and scratched the hell out of it.

Anyway, her hubby came home, got new battery, took her to convenient care (couldn't get dr appointment until late tomorrow), dog is back to normal. She's resting. Baby's happy. Car starts.
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