Old 10-25-2011, 01:53 AM
sarahsews's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 84

"Closure"....we all have many openings, and many Closures! Each one a little different. Some of our relationships last longer than others. Some were cut off short. Some have threads hanging loose yet. Some are rusty. Some are definitely vintage - that may be good or not so good. All depends.

The Story:
The cotton fabric for the quilt front and back is repurposed table napkins. The zippers and buttons are vintage and previously used. They look like the buttons my mother snipped off garments that had seen their best days & kept in her button jar until further notice. Zippers she saved from trousers, shirts and dresses and kept in a drawer of her Singer treadle sewing machine. I still remember how the drawers smelled. Often the threads were still hanging from the zippers and buttons. Note the zipper tab on the red zipper in particular!
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