Thread: May I come in?
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Old 10-25-2011, 06:59 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

Please join us, welcome from the central valley of California.

As to letting someone know you have a gun, I'd ask the police that. My son is getting me a bigger one...but says it's better to have someone UNDER estimate what you can do to them then have them come in loaded for bear.

And another thing you could have at each door side, is a can of Wasp spray. This stuff will probably send them to the hospital if it gets in their eyes. Try it out somewhere safe, OUTDOORS!!

And if possible, get a big, cranky dog who doesn't like strangers. Or a little yappy one who will wake you up when strangers come around. Or, if you live far from others, try Peacocks, they scream at strangers and friends, and stray dogs, and leaves falling and....sounds like a woman being tortured!!
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