Thread: Feel my pain
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Old 10-26-2011, 06:41 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Northern California, Sonoma Co.
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Michaels doesn't carry fabric, but they used to carry fat quarters. Then they closed them out, and I got these fat quarters (pack of 5) for $1.49 instead of $6.99. A few months back, some more showed up at the higher price, and I was holding off buying any until they get clearanced out again : ) That's why I hated to pay full price this time around, but I guess it all evens out (and I did use my 50% off coupon).

The colors are sort of mottled, so I didn't feel like I could substitute just anything, plus the colors run through a range of five colors, so adding a different purple would have changed it from the others.

I should have the strips done today and will post pics. Sewing the braids doesn't take long, but the pinning and ironing adds up!
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