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Old 10-26-2011, 08:09 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: near Peoria Illinois
Posts: 1,638

I gasped and was struck with awe because of one shop. I was vacationing in Wisconsin. In a little town way off the interstate, this shop had a wonderful flow through it. Fabrics grouped by what they were--batiks, flannels---, then by color. It had a high ceiling. Instead of stacking way up, over every type of fabric was a quilt hanging. The quilt was finished, and hanging down just over the top of the third rack of fabric bolts that were used to make the quilt with the pattern marked on the quilt easily readable. Then the pattern was hanging on a rack/turnstyle next to those fabrics.
The staff was very friendly and talked to each costumer as you entered.
Notions were together upfront and not far from the cashier. There was a room for clearance items, that included books as well as fabrics.
Just a very nice store and try to stop each time I am traveling close by---within 100 miles!!!
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