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Old 07-24-2009, 05:54 AM
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I could kick myself for not saying something. I actually stood behind you for a bit while someone else was being waited on.

Jeepers- I was quiet because I wasn't supposed to be there- I took a quick break from work (the Courthouse is a short distance away) and snuck in. (I always get caught when I'm doing what I'm not supposed to be doing!) Just don't tell hubby I was there. I still have guilt pangs over the $78 I spent.

Well, new rule for me- butt in with whatever in a quilt shop. One never knows who I might run into.

And when you want to shop again (and other PA people) I live 1/2 hr. from Tunkhannock. I know lots of places to eat or we can veg at our house. Pool is open, grill is ready, freezer is stocked.
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