Old 07-24-2009, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by cutebuns
Originally Posted by Rhonda
The only differance between a new quilter and an old quilter is that the old quilter has learned to shut her mouth and not admit to any mistakes LOL LOL
Guess I didn't learn that one too well huh?
but by owning up to still making mistakes, you are making it okay for the newer kids on the block that they are not alone, that it happens. to just keep going.
Thanks Cute! I think the biggest thing I wanted to stress is that we all need encouragement old and new quilters.
I tell people all the time that even if I weren't selling my stuff (and it isn't selling locally real well right now due to the economy) I quilted for 20 years before i ever sold anything and i will still be quilting even if I never sold another thing in my lifetime.
I don't do what I do for the money primarily. Money is good and yes I can use it for sure! But I get a boost from my quilting that no amount of money can buy.
My mom said one time "Well you won't be able to sell your stuff so you won't need to quilt anymore" She doesn't understand!!! I quilt because it feeds my soul. I have to create so therefore I create. Where it goes is another issue entirely.
I quilt because it makes me feel good about myself in a way nothing else does. It is something I know I am good at even when everything else in my life is not so good.
So that is the reason to quilt because it says something about you and it tells a story about who you are. Not whether the quilt is perfectly done or not.
I have often thought about all those hotpads and other things I have sold over the years and I wonder where they have ended up.
I sold some in a yard sale one year and a couple of years later a friend of my moms gave her a box of junk she didn't want anymore and in the box was you guessed it one of my hotpads. The lady didnot realize what she had done and i never told her. I just brushed it off and sold it to Kalona! Quite a lesson in humility!! I thought this was a special thing selling her my hotpad and here she didn't remember I made it and she no longer valued it! Quite a come down for me!
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