Old 10-27-2011, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 63

Don't know how to get pictures from camera to computer and so on. Would ask hubby but he is out of town on emergency. Everything is important to me. I suppose I could let hubby do the books but would he would let it lapse. I could lose the computer and parts, but how would I order things online. Don't need tv but I need music. Played violin for 8 years. Have to have fabric because even at a young age I was sewing and doing embroidery. Crocheted later on but never learned to knit. Am so very lefthanded and no one could teach me. Maybe thats why using the computer, except for basic things is beyond me. Dogs are hubbys idea, but you know how it is. I take care of them and stay at home with them when hubby is gone. Best of company ever.
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