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Old 10-27-2011, 04:45 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 15,639

Don't think there is anything unusual about me but since we're sharing:
I do not like nor subscribe to organized religion!
I chose not to have children.
I am loyal to a fault but when I write you off, I write you off for good. (Do not recycle friends)
I LOVE PIZZA and redwine.
My fascination is transgendered people - not in a nosy judgmental way but in a curious psychological manner.
Most people are surprised that I'm not a native because my accent is minimal (unless I had too much red wine lol) - some think I'm from the mid-west.
I immigrated when I was in my early 20s and that time was so hard, but I picked myself up and worked through it. So failure is really not an option.
When it is quiet, I cannot concentrate. Need the TV or Radio on in the background.
I have a very warped sense of humor that can easily move to the dark side.
I have the bestest little sister in the world.
I'm a slob.
I'm still in love with my hubby after 38 years.
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