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Old 10-27-2011, 08:36 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Kearney, NE
Posts: 171

OK I wanna play too, its been really fun reading about everyone's fun facts!!!

1. I love my 2 Boston Terriers more than I love some people
2. I read literally everyday, I am ALWAYS in the middle of a book, sometimes a couple at a time
3. I have a magazine fetish, I don't what it is but I just like them, usually knitting, fashion (and more recently) quilting magazines
4. I adore being on stage, I thrive on the energy and excitement that comes with a live performance
5. I an a HUGE Harry Potter fan, I am even a part of a Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet House Cup on and I have read the books prob 20 times each, some of them more!
6. I love doing special effects makeup (zombies, wounds, etc) but I am terrified of scary movies that feature all that stuff
7. I have a Virgin Mary collection in my bedroom that consists of statues, holy cards, nightlights, and lots of other stuff!
8. I have a makeup addiction, and for some reason it lends itself to the expensive stuff, I'm a sucker for anything glittery or shimmery
9. I LOVE True Blood, Eric Northman does it for me everytime
10. My Aunt plays the voice of BJ on the Barney show
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