Old 10-28-2011, 06:53 AM
Moon Holiday
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Connecticut River, northern NH
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Maternal Ancestors: Recently discovered quilter Holice Turnbow and I have many common ancestors. But my GG Grandfather Silas Claiborne Turnbo (same family line as Holice), wrote the Turnbo Manuscripts. Anyone whose studied early life in the Ozarks should be familiar with Silas' work. His articles were published in area newspapers of the time. Articles can be read online at: thelibrary.org/lochist/turnbo/index.html

Other maternal ancestors were one of the earliest settlers of Rhode Island known as the "Bonesetter Sweet Family". Several books written about them.

Paternal Ancestors: were early settlers (mid 1600s) of Quebec City: Francois Dumas (stone cutter who help build old Quebec City) and Marguerite Foy (known as one of the King's daughters (not blood relative to King)...actually one of 850 women given dowries to relocate to “New France” and marry). Francois & Margueritte settled on Isle ‘d Orleans and raised their family. There is a monument on the island honoring Francois & Margueritte. Also descended from Jacques Cartier, French explorer who discovered & claimed what is now Canada for France named at time “New France”.

My Dad took first ever sequential photos showing car roll-overs at Daytona Beach (photos etc. in Life mag. 3.19.56). He and his friend used aerial mapping camera to take photos. This inspired/led to the development of the fast-speed sequential capability in regular cameras.

Husband Maternal Ancestors: John Tilley who came on the Mayflower, which is same line as Rebecca Nourse (convicted & hanged in Salem Witch Trials)... Side note: my boss’ ancestor was Judge Hathorne, one of the judges who presided over the witch trials. Husband’s grandmother was heavily involved in the DAR during her lifetime.
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