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Old 07-25-2009, 08:05 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Posts: 1,547

Does it count as running away when I don't have anybody to run from?? After reading all these post I decided it was time for a trip to the LQS. I went to The Borne Quilter (check out their website for more info) in Lafayette to find some backing fabric to match a quilt top I just finished this week. You'da thunk there was a party going on in there with all the cars parked out front. What I didn't realize was that there was a big GSQA meeting going on in town and all the ladies stopped by there after the meeting.

The shop was packed and they were coming in faster than they were going out. I got what I needed and stood in line to check out. Made a lot of new friends and swapped business cards. I need to run away more often :D
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