Old 07-26-2009, 06:40 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Salem Iowa
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I had a lady in one of my classes that I suggested if she didn't want to lose the points she might think about going back and tightening the seams. I said it exactly like that. She got real defensive and upset. And she dropped my class.
Now I don't care if your patchwork comes out wonky or all the points are lost. It is your work and you can make it any way you want. I was just trying to be helpful in a non judgemental way but she got her feelings hurt. I do understand that because I can do that too.
So it is all about how much attention to detail do you want to take time for. Some mistakes are worth redoing and some are just an oh well better luck next time.

I know our work is an extension of ourselves but life is too short to make it so meaningful that it makes you feel bad because you didn't do some steps as well as you might have.
Dorothy used to tell me when she first started doing my blocks for me( she had never done any quilting) that this old lady was dumb and had a hard time learning things. She learned to make all of my Blocks in just a very short time. She had little concept of matching colors and she has learned to have a very good eye for color combinations now. I no longer have to lead her into the right choices in the work she does for me. She is almost 70 and has a few ideas of her own that have inspired me! It is good to have someone to bounce ideas off of.

This is important so listen up! There are no dumb quilters! There are only quillters who haven't learned those particular lessons yet!! You can't expect to be able to run if you haven't learned to walk yet! It all takes time and it is a process not an overnight success.
Inexperience is not the same thing as being dumb.

I have had 30 years of learning to get where I am
today and I have a lot more to learn to get to where I wil be in the future. You never stop learning. I have learned a lot from all of you.
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