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Old 10-29-2011, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Jill
I don't participate in Black Friday or Cyber Monday as I have enough insanity without asking for more! I have a son who worked at Target for about four years and if you want, he'll tell you about the joys of working Black Friday, of the pushing, shoving, fights, and even one man who was waiting in line who went to his truck and came back with a gun. Yes, the man was arrested. But I am much more thoughtful of store employees who work through the holiday season. It is not fun, folks. And yes, I realize work isn't always fun, and many would love to have one of those jobs, but you don't know the full story of working retail during Christmas shopping season. My son had a total of four hours to spend with family on Christmas Eve, and that included driving for three of the four hours.
I worked in retail from 1984 till 1999 when I finally had enough! To someone in retail the Holidays are stressful and exhausting. The hours are long and mosty places do not pay overtime. I would usually have to work till 12am on Christmas Eve WELL i guess that would actually be Christmas morning. Usually had the early shift of 5am for the day after.
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