Old 10-30-2011, 10:58 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 1,548

You are inspirational each time I read your posts. I have a few friends who have had surgery. Congratulations on your accomplishments. Has having surgery meant more about portion control and eating more often? I have heard that some who lose the weight also then don't have to take diabetes medicine. I would like that as I hate the low blood sugars when they hit.

Congratulations on you 10+ pounds and your lose of much more than that. I imagine you feel so much better.
Just losing the 20+ I have has made walking our dog not such a chore. Best wishes for November.
Originally Posted by MissyGirl
I am down a little more than 10 pounds for October. According to my primary care doctor I weighed around 550 pounds at my highest.

This morning I weighed 374.4 a bit of a gain from last week(thanks to the yummiest ginger cookies ever!) but I am okay about this. I will just step up my exercise and focus on more protein.

I picked up my basket of veggies and fruit from Bountiful Baskets yesterday and I got so much seasonal produce that I will be able to enjoy all of this produce for the next week at every meal.

Next week we are going to process all of the apples for pie, crisps and sauce. That will be fun!

I hope yall are doing well. I sure do think about you guys everyday!


PS: For the newbies...I have had weight loss surgery. Because of that I am here for support and to give support. I do not participate in the FQ thing. It would not be fair so that is why I am here to support yall and to give support.
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