Old 10-30-2011, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Tcharlie
Originally Posted by Sibi
Originally Posted by Tcharlie
I posted my baby picture, then ones of myself and brother and sister. Momma always had to get a group picture each Easter, for some reason since I was the tom boy, my shoes were always black patent leather........My sister and I were born the same year; me in January and her in December.
My sister (one of them anyways) Maria and I were born in the same year too....Me in January (1) and her in December (15) ....lol....just like you!
Did people think you were twins? People mistaken us as twins all the time, we even had our own language between us like twins!
My mother used to dress us like twins but my sister Maria and I looked NOTHING alike. She has beautiful curly hair and mine is straight, her eyes are brown and mine are green. And we actually have never been very close unfortunately. We're a little closer now with old age but not "talk almost every day" kind of close. :cry:
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