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Old 10-30-2011, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by PKITTY1
With all the work that went into that quilt, I can't believe that someone didn't recognize it and keep it. Good find for you. It is beautiful and I hope you enjoy it.
I guess the daughter just didn't want any of her quilts, or maybe she already had enough. One of the things the people running the estate sale kept saying was, "she was a quilter." Yes, she was. This was not the only quilt they had for sale. OH...should I have told you that, lol? There was a table in one of the bedrooms and everything in it had to do with quilting, but it was this quilt that caught my eye. But there were three other large quilts that they had put in clear bags and set at the back of the table, with $50 price tags on them. Naturally, on THEM they had the price on the outside of a bag...sigh. Dh spotted them immediately, lol....I am rubbing off on him.

But they were heavy, dark looking quilts, and I just bought two quilts last week, one utility type (the one with the little spots of blood) and a gorgeous multi-colored one for him, to make up for the sawblade I refuse to let him have, lol. And I almost didn't unfold this one, because with those prices, I figured this one was going to be really expensive. But I couldn't resist that white with the beautiful embroidery. Let's face it, we all admire beautiful things we can't do. I had to bring that one home.

I see so many nice quilts, and I am with you. I just don't understand how the families just turn loose of them. I have the tied quilt on my couch, and even my doxies love cuddling under it. They treat it with the respect it deserves. I have an old quilt that is sort of tattered on my old beat up wing chair that sits in front of this computer, and they like to sit up here with me and snuggle into this quilt, too. I would never think of throwing it away, even tho it is beat up, and would be a nearly impossible task to repair.

I am going to start watching for a quilt for my dil. I would love to find one as nice as this for her.

I am actually having buyer's remorse, lol. I am regretting that I did not buy her sewing basket she had with the floss from this quilt and some of her tool in it. I really should have picked it up too....and a few more of her lovely jewelry pins.
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