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Old 10-31-2011, 05:21 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Barnesville GA
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Mine is spoiled too. As much as he will let me. I got him when he was 6. He was one of my fosters but showed what a butthead he was at adoptions so didn't go. He is only 12 lbs and cute as can be but hates to be picked up or be messed with. If I try and pick him up other than to put him in the car (and I have a special way I HAVE to pick him up) I get bit. He is also not a cuddler at all, something people who want small dogs want most times. Will not under any circumstance get on your lap. Except when my DD was driving me here and he wanted to see out the window. He also get treats everytime he goes potty outside and pulls the in and out to get more. I buy him special food because he won't eat dry , never has. He begs, and gets away with it as long as he doesn't make noise while doing so. But as much of a pain as he can be I love him and we are well suited to each other. Oh and I walk in ALL weather because he wants his walk every morning. He has his one coat he will wear. Nope not spoiled a bit. He is now 12, has a heart condition, is on 3 medications, his grooming cost more than my haircuts, lost an eye, and had a mass removed from his chin. And worth every penny to me. He is my best friend and I hope he outlives me
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