Old 10-31-2011, 08:06 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

What does my house says to all visitors? Mine shouts out that I haven't made up my mind if I love Victorian or Frank Lloyd Wright styles...Some furniture from MIL's house, some from mine before marriage many years ago, some from DH's love of FLW, plain, straight pieces.

There's a bow tie quilt on my chair where I read and nap...a small Indian style one on a pillow for the Koko who would rather sleep on my lap all the time, and one on my computer chair for when it's cold and I can wrap up in it except the other cat, Frederica, loves to sit here and won't move when I sit down so I get cold and go to the front room...on second thought, it's late and I must be getting tired, since I'm even more silly than usual.

Good night.

The sewing room, on the other hand, looks like someone exploded a fabric bomb in it and then searched it for survivors. I'm sure that I'm in there somewhere...no one has pulled me out yet.
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