Old 07-28-2009, 07:01 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Wilbur, WA
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Originally Posted by kathy
well let me add my oooos and aaaaas, impresive top before you quilted and I have a question that I hope doesn't sound silly or insensitive, what about it made it take so long? ok 2 questions, did you mark it before you put it on the frame?
You posted this while I was working on the other answer.

It took so long because:

1. I marked my original ideas on the quilt top, using the Renae's Ray. No, what I marked is not what I ended up with.....So more marking as I went.

2. Ruler work. Lots and lots of Ruler work! And S&S - standing and staring. I'd do an idea, take it off the machine, S&S, decide to add more, and go back to quilt. Over and over again....

3. I buried the ends. I didn't want the starts and stops to show. After each day I would take it off the machine, take it home, and tie and bury ends.

4. There is maybe three days in this. For a quilt this small (34x34) that's a lot of time. That's like spending 24 days on a 100x100 quilt.

4. I know this is for a show (or several shows). No stress here....
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