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Old 11-04-2011, 06:54 AM
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Location: Johnson City, TN.
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Originally Posted by Charlee View Post
I think it's sad...people are having temper tantrums over the change to "OUR" board....sorry's NOT "our" board! It belongs to someone else that is graciously providing this place for us to play and exchange ideas, thoughts, and feelings FOR FREE. Someone else is paying the bill for our pleasure, and we are complaining because the gift they give doesn't suit us? They want to throw it back in the owner's faces that their gift is not good enough? How would they feel if someone did that with a quilt they had gifted?

I appreciate this board and all that the "powers that be do". I'll learn to deal with the changes, whether I like them or not, simply because this is where I meet up with like minded friends.

My reaction would be, "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!"
I am grateful to this site & the members. Some have helped me out a lot, but you do realize without members there would be no board. So in a way it is our board. Also sites are supported by advertisements. I just think that the "Board Moderator" should take into consideration all the complaints as well as the good. And yes I do have my Big Girl Panties on.
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