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Old 11-04-2011, 12:24 PM
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 579
Default Well, I'm going to be different :)

I actually like the new forum.

It has pros and cons, as does anything, but there are several things I like about it, and am going to list them.

When I was sending a Private Message(and people really should make sure they aren't over the 500, I had 2000 stored up) It auto saved, as does when you are posting in a topic. That is a really awesome feature, I don't have to worry that my time spent typing this will be lost like I normally do on a message board.

More specialized forums. Now we actually have a sewing machine forum, and a lot more specifics. Makes it easier when I have a question!

I actually think that in some ways it's more attractive. It's not quite as plain.

All of the different things I can now add to my profile, and view on others. It's a lot of fun!

Yes, I could come up with some cons now, but I'm not going to. There are quite a few other posts listing that, and I
applaud the person who started the "one thing" topics.

Thanks QB staff for all you do!
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