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Old 11-04-2011, 06:16 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Ft. Myers, Fl
Posts: 582

Looking at this thread, it looks like the last reply is on the first page. Well, that makes no sense to me, but then, not much on the new board does. I hate to say it, but I am really disappointed. I was having a great time and learning so much on here, and now it is just a struggle to find anything, and this background....whether it is bright white or cream colored...depends on your monitor, is just murder on the eyes. I can't get a photo to load no matter what I do, and yes, I have followed the directions. I made it thru college with a 4.0, so I don't think I am totally stupid. I keep checking the subscription boxes, and yet not one email.

Today I was really lucky and found two machine cabinets at the big thrift store. They must have just put them out. I bought both of them, and my Olson fits in the smaller one just perfectly. The bigger one has a motor in it, with wiring, so I was hoping the Olson would fit in that, but I think I will try moving that over to the cabinet that it does fit into. My dh isn't handy, but my next door neighbor is, and can probably help with it, if it turns out to be feasible. Both cabinets cost a total of $22. Can't beat that, can I? I'd love to show you a pic, but I have given up. It just keeps telling me TOO BIG, TOO BIG. Well - they are the same size pics as they were on the old board, and it resized and loaded them just fine. I don't consider this an update.
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