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Old 11-04-2011, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by noveltyjunkie
Believe me, I have no problem with change when there is a clear reason for it. I am a change leader in my work place and I am normally the one encouraging others to give change a chance. But I also know that there are good ways to introduce change, and there are not so good ways.

So don't tell me its all about my underwear. It's not, and it would nice if there could be some acknowledgement of the fact that the fallout is not all about resistance to change, but also about poor communication. I don't like the tone that is bring used on here, just telling everyone to get over themselves, or that they are behaving like children, or even phrases like "shame on you". That is seldom helpful when people are feeling confronted and indeed is more likely to make them feel like they no longer belong in a place where they once felt safe.

If people are to continue to participate in this comunity they need to get past their negative feelings with a bit of support and listening. Where is that happening? I am not seeing it anywhere.
Bravo! I completely agree with the thought that it is not fair or grown up to be name calling, etc. We are all different people, and we are all going to learn at a different pace. For some of us, it has been difficult to learn how to use the new site. We have all been good friends. Why are we hurting one another now with the childish and cruel remarks. We were given the opportunity to complain. The posting was there for us. Some of us may have complained too loudly, but that doesn't give others the right to judge us and make mean remarks. Let's be kind and respectful. That isn't a difficult thing to do. Not everyone will adjust, and some may decide that is is time to move on and find a new home. That is not a bad thing at all. Couldn't you name callers just try to understand and respect others and allow members to adjust or do whatever it is that they need to do?
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