Thread: eating crow
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Old 11-05-2011, 05:34 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Posts: 584
Red face eating crow

I have to admit that I am one of the nay-sayers who did not like the new format of the quilt board. Shame on me.
I have to now admit that I am eating a healthy portion of crow.
I had such a hard time figuring out the new format, that I was almost ready to unsuscribe. I signed off, and didn't get on at all the next day. Then, I thought I'd give it just one more try, and Voila! most of what I couldn't find at first, is still there.
When my daughter was learning how to use her computer, I told her "Just play around, hit different buttons to see what they do, and remember that you can back out and try something else". When I followed my own advise (physician, heal thyself) I found that if I just give myself a little more time, I can find what I want.
QB admin, I apologize, and I'm sorry for all the mean thought I had in the beginning. I will not unsuscribe, and will still be able to look forward to each day's issue.
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