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Old 11-06-2011, 12:33 PM
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Default my weekend so far

Besides a bunch of basic cleaning up and organizing (so *that's* where that went to! ) I did actually get some sewing done.

First up-meet HENrietta Pincushion. She was an Art Fabric Studio kit-directions and beads, not fabric. She turned out a lot bigger than I expected, so I may experiment with scaling her down a bit. In the meantime, the starch on her beak and tail is still drying. She'll stay with me awhile, and then will likely move on to my aunt's house with Santa.

Today's project was a quilt kit I bought this summer. My dad's Walmart was in the process of clearing space for their soon-to-be-arriving cutting tables, so everything was being clearanced. It's ugly, but for $10, it was good practice. This kit is called Teal City Random, but I'm calling Amazingly Eighties... I had a jacket a lot like this when I was 17 or so. The back and binding will be white with black/grey/teal paint splatters on it.

This is my very first ever quilt (we're not talking about the disastrous attempt at a baby quilt 20 years ago), and I'm actually scheduled to take a My First Quilt class this week. Nothing like jumping in at the deep end! It went together pretty quick and easy, but it's clear my cutting technique needs some work. All of the points that are supposed to match, do, so that's progress.

And, because I was bored and tired of cleaning, I sat down with one of the batting sandwiches I use to set foot pressure and tension, put the hopper foot on, and tried FMQ. The result was not entirely bad for a rank beginner, but clearly, I need a LOT of practice. Still, I didn't have any issues, beyond not having a plan about where I was going to sew next. Is there such thing as practice patterns for FMQ? Having a pattern to follow, instead of making it up as I go along, would probably help while I get the hang of it.
Attached Thumbnails hen01.jpg   hen02.jpg   80s.jpg  
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