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Old 11-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Owensboro, KY
Posts: 1,420

I am not a frequent poster on this board, but I do read all the emails and postings usually that interest me and occasionally write a comment. When I opened the first board email, I was really surprised at the changes. At first, I found it very difficult to navigate and immediately thought, "Why change something already good?" THEN.....I began to think about all my years of teaching and all the changes introduced that we, the teachers, and the children survived.And many times they were for the better, even though we griped and complained about having to learn something new. We felt what we had already was working well for us, so why change it. Most of the time it was a good change.

Change is the one thing you can count on being permanent. There's nothing we can do about it. Change will always occur; but we need to think of it differently. It's progress, improvement and newness. No you may not like everything and may miss some of the old stuff. Unfortunately that's how CHANGE works. Just like a new quilting pattern gives us excitement when we wonder if we can do it or not, some of the new features on this board should make you feel excited too if you'd let it.

You can adjust to this; it's just a matter of sitting for awhile and playing around with it. At first, I couldn't find anything. But as each daily digest comes, I am learning a little more and gradually getting more comfortable with it.

It's sad when people immediately judge and find guilty enough to sacrifice they joy they have always found here. It's still the same people sharing the same good ideas and advice. Be patient and try to learn, just as you first had to learn when you joined the old board. It will eventually seem easy to you once again.

Please don't leave, but if you decide you are going to, know that we will miss you. However, we will continue to enjoy this information and the people who are here. No one will ruin it for those of us who are open-minded enough to give it a chance.

And that's probably my one post for the month. Enuff said!

Last edited by KyKaren1949; 11-06-2011 at 03:05 PM. Reason: grammatical mistakes
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