Old 11-07-2011, 06:06 PM
ube quilting
Power Poster
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: PA
Posts: 10,703
Unhappy I'm sad and sorry for more than one

Avatars are too small, some really beautiful pictures and artwork that you need a magnifiying glass to see now

Way to much info on the general pages, first last middle time. I want to open the subject and see what it is. I really don't care who the last poster was, it's going to change in a second anyway. I am interested in the post first.
color coded envelopes, open, closed, dots of different colors, arrows. Why? looks like a government job. Overkill!

If I have to read a post about the post to see if I want to read the post...........see what I mean

that little enticing tidbit that shows up over the envelope is so small and disappears so fast it is useless to me

The BEAUTY OF THIS BOARD WAS IN ITS SIMPLICITY second only to the people on it!

Yes we will all get used to the new board, like getting used to dropped calls. We have to take it or leave it.
I know this is harsh, Sometimes change isn't for the better. Not all change is good.

Where is my user list and bookmarks? I had a lot of saved info there and can't find it. I'm mad about this. Do they really think this is all we do all day?

Last edited by ube quilting; 11-07-2011 at 06:15 PM.
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