Thread: 20 inch block
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Old 11-09-2011, 04:25 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Do YOU like the center block?
Because that's all the matters.
The rest is in the hand of your RR-mates.

With all those blocks and fabrics you used, it's your only chance to give them a hint/clue of what you might like/want.

But soooooooooo much of it is chance.
Even if you did an incredibly detailed applique and pieced center block, you know, one with 10000000 parts, you don't/won't have a clue what the others will do with it.

So take a deep breath, and just pass it on to the next person in the rotation.

btw, my avatar is my first RR, and my most favorite quilt of all that I own or have made.
It's from 9years ago, done with my bee, when we were all a bunch of clueless quilting newbies.

There are a lot of "firsts" in that quilt.
The time I ever did paper-piecing (the center), the first time R ever used Thangles, the first time D ever did a Mariners Compasses (the last border).
Is each and every point on any of those borders perfect?
But we put everything we had (limited as it was at the time) into it.

So my advice to you is always to the best YOU can do on each round when it's your turn.
Think of how your round (border) plays with the prior ones.
You don't have to create a masterpiece in each border - sometimes the eyes need to rest.
But don't just go slapping on some fabric just because that's what you have in your stash and it's easy.
When you get that package each month, think of it - no matter what your personal opinion and taste is - as your own, and put as much effort and thought into deciding what you're going to do next.

And think of it as a challenge and learning experience for yourself.

Good luck and have fun!

Last edited by MTS; 11-09-2011 at 04:32 AM.
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