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Old 07-31-2009, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Lisanne
Originally Posted by butterflywing
the 200's and 250's were available, but not widely. if you lived in a college town or a large town you probably could get them. otherwise, good luck.
Honestly, I was 12 when I started buying my own linens (in 1972), and I got them in major department stores, not specialty stores. Mostly Macy's-quality stores, but JC Penney carried them, too. Almost all of them were 200s in the '70s, a few 180, then some 260 by the '90s. And I was in the Midwest to start, came east in the mid-'80s.


Originally Posted by butterflywing
Do you know the country of origin? when you say prints, you mean the old dye jobs, yes, they were gone. they were not replaced until those awful prints/patterns became available.

Not sure if this question was meant for me, but I want to say they were US sheets. But LOL, we know almost nothing is made in the US, so maybe they were made in Japan. Certainly not China, just whatever country made most sheets sold in the US at that time.

I do have one set imported from Australia, HUH? bought around 1997, and they've always felt a bit different. I didn't like the feel at first, but they've worn down to softness. The pillowcases are different, with an extra inner piece to cover the exposed side of the pillow. COMMONLY FOUND NOW.

Originally Posted by butterflywing
someone asked where i learned this: <snip> i took a job at an upscale home furnishings store where manufactures made us take classes in sheets, pillows, draperies and such, so that we could knowledgeably sell. it was a fantastic education. we learned thread counts, different drapery styles, fancy drape rods, you name it. they spent a bundle teaching us what they felt we had to know to seel high-priced goods.

i've never looked, but can you google? i'm sure the library books has on the manufacture of household textiles.
Oh yes, I've gotten bits and pieces of info from the web and books. I'd like something less disjointed, more comprehensive. Were your classes taken through your company or from a college or textile school?
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