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Old 11-12-2011, 10:54 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Lumberton, TX
Posts: 121

It is absolutely stunning!!!! Are you referring to the look of your fabric choice or sewing results? If it's fabric, I think this is gorgeous, but you are the one who needs to be happy with it. Your color choices go together very well. Another words, it looks coordinated instead of extreme random scrappy (which also looks good) It is all a matter of preference. I searched through CW images here on the forums and google images to see what others had come up with. Then I "simmered" on my creativity for a bit before I made up my mind. Also, might want to make a few blocks and just lay out your print on them before sewing in to see how it would look without committing to a specific choice at that point.

If you are referring to unhappy with your sewing, I think it looks awesome. I will advise you of what one had told me when I was being so critical of myself... you are looking at it up close & personal so you are going to catch every imperfection. But when one is looking from a distance, they can't see them at all. What I find that has helped when sewing down my "frames" is after I fold them over the print, I press them with iron to help keep them in place and crisp before I sew.

Congrats on getting all of your fabric cut! I cut enough for about 8 or 12 blocks at a time. Thus far, I have sewn 24 blocks (2 rows across) for a King. I have cut, folded & pressed enough for 12 blocks. I go on binges where I do enough for quite a few blocks, then back up and start sewing those before I go any farther. I work in 4 block units so I feel like I'm making progress, lol.

A friend of mine is also making a King and we try to keep up with each other in order to keep pushing forward. You are welcomed to do this with us if you would like. Just let me know. I hope my input has helped.
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