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Old 11-12-2011, 04:14 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Delmarva Peninsula
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Years ago, Together my grand daughter and I cut out squares of soft wool (I also rug braid). I gave her a round pointed large needle, and let her stitch them together by matching the cut ends together. (She was a bit over 5 years old) We used left over dmc thread, diffirent quantities of threads, she changed the colors alot. The needle went through the wool easily. She learned to use her finger width as a seam guide.The squares were about 8", some more, some less. The quilt is still being used by her aged cat, that project was over 15 years ago. She didn't get the quilting gene, but she is in college now, junior year, getting ready for vetenarian school.
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