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Old 08-01-2009, 11:07 AM
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You got the four sisters, which was one of my favorites. The quilt is even more awesome in real life. though your photos are very good.

Anyone else get pictures? I would so love to see photos of those nature scene quilts. (which inspired what follows)

I got my show guide and googled the names of some of these, and they're on the web! So here are links:

Open Season was my top favorite, the one I would have voted on if I'd known I could vote:
The picture doesn't at all do it justice.

Crossing Calamity Creek was one of my favorites. This photo doesn't begin to do it justice - it's not all shadowy the way it looks here. It is totally worth the $12,000 price, and if I had the money, I'd buy it.

Longing for the Past
Scroll down to the winter scene, that's the one, and mouse over it to enlarge it.

Nebraska's Rising Sun Again, you have to scroll down to see it.

Cool Camels of Egypt was one of the funnest ones in the show, IMO.
I loved this one and the story behind it, that the artist paints other artists at their work, so this woman quilted his portrait.

Morning Visitor
You have to scroll wayyy down to see this one, but all the others on the way are worth seeing, too.

Sugar maples & Nose Stickers

Remembrance (this pic is just a detail of it)

An Alphabet Again, must scroll to see.

Seasonal Sisters
The picture doesn't show the amazing stitchery of the background, which acutally dazzled me more than the [quilt picture itself.

I'd best stop now. Hope you enjoyed them!
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