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Old 11-14-2011, 07:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Oceanside, CA
Posts: 847

Listen Honey, I grew on a cattle and horse ranch in West Texas, and our food was a mix of southern, Mexican and Scottish. We had a lot of ranch hands and every day started with biscuits gravy breakfast meat eggs and potatoes. There was not a day that we didn't have a pot of beans cooking on the stove, lots of meat, chicken fried steak, fried chicken, homemade rolls and any kind of dessert you could want. Plus iced tea(I think it's called sweet tea in the south)
I'm gaining weight just writing about it. My grandmother always used sage, I did not know what poultry seasoning was till I was grown. Thanks again for sharing the "dressing recipe" That will be on my table. Anytime you want to swap recipes, I've got tons.

Originally Posted by Honeynga View Post
I too taste it before the aunt used sage, almost too much, but I love the peppery taste of sage......not poultry seasoning because it is usually diluted with other seasonings, I love the sage flavor. I'm a bit surprised that even in CA you embrace this same type recipe...thought it was only here in the south....but that is ok, you just can't keep good taste regional !!!!!
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