Old 11-15-2011, 12:54 PM
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Can someone tell me how to get the board on my desk top,I'm on an MacBook. Just wanted to say, my DH gained like 8-9 pds while on IVs in hospital. They stopped IV & 2 days later, he was back to normal wt.

Originally Posted by irishrose View Post
Nancia, I don't want you to go. I know my reason is selfish of me, but I enjoy your posts so much. If you can't commiserate with us, then who? Have you looked into a Sun lamp? This cloud cover gets to be old stuff.

Jeanne, that amount of weight has to be your new meds. That's discouraging when the meds are something you need - I have a love/hate relationship with steroids for that reason.

Xylie, I understand having to do what needs done yourself so I'll not say stay out of trees, but do be more careful. No long reaching. I have to rewire a sewing machine and I'm afraid of electricity, but we learn to do what we have to. BTW, right click on the QB when you have it open and choose 'Send to Desktop' then you'll have an icon on your desktop you can open to get to the QB.

twinkie, it's the IVs. Fluid weighs 8 pounds a gallon, plus when you don't eat, your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism drops to conserve calories so there's no weight loss for a while. It happens in 24 hours, not weeks. Were there steroids in your IVs? That's instant weight gain for me.

Beachbound, that's an easy taboo. I think I made last week's no trans fat. I didn't see the label on the cookies I ate Sunday, but I do know they were made with butter, so I probably made the week. Now I can finish my pumpkin ice cream.

Murphy, I'd love your 3 pound loss. I'm at 0 so far this month. Time to get serious if I'm going to lose 2 pounds by Nov 30.

I have half the living room carpet cleaned - now to do the dining room and walk the dogs before my daughter comes at 5:00. Bye for now.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.
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