Old 11-16-2011, 02:44 AM
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Location: Stoughton, WI
Posts: 412

Hi everyone. I made it through the taboo - no trans fats last week. I think I should be o.k. with this weeks because we don't buy those snack cakes.

Missy, sorry to hear you have pnuemonia but glad you're back. Get some rest and take care of your self.

Saw the nuerologist yesterday and he's still leaning towards some type of seizure disorder but doesn't have enough evidence to diagnose. He said if the medicine stops the episodes then he will diagnose it as a seizure disorder. He's confident though because the dose of medicine I was on greatly reduced the amount of episodes I had so he increased the dose of the medicine and told me to come back in three months and keep track of any episodes I have.
Today I go to the endocrinologist. I hope she can straighten ouy my diagnose whether I am diabetic or not. Ever since my primary doc said I wasn't diabetic anymore and I could eat anything I wanted it seems like I have been (eating anything I wanted). It just really messed me up.

What's with so many people biing either diagnoed with pnuemonia and stay at home , mu hubby is just getting over it, or people being put in the hospital. We have several on this thread and there are a couple on another thread I go on. Thi has started out being a tough fall on people. My prayers are with everyone.

Will update when I get home from the doc later today. Maybe won't be till tomorrow morning. I've been getting up around 2:30 CST so my sleep is kind of screwed up. Don't know why I just don't sleep good.

Well have a good day everybody. God Bless.
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